Friday, March 23, 2012


I decided to travel to the wooded area known by the local ghaa'ghu as 'Spiderwood', in the hopes of learning more about insect life. The forest is accurately named, for it is indeed full of insectoid arachnid life of varying sizes. After what I estimate to be about a day of slithering through the caverns beneath the forest, my carculgnath began to mimic the chitinous exoskeletons of the native inhabitants - essentially allowing myself to flgathl a Tyltylgm strunthlg. This was extremely helpful in protecting my vorgaal from the larger and more tenacious inhabitants of the cavern. *splurt*

Unfortunately, I could not extend this protection to Xerox, and so I was forced to carry it within my zath vorgaal during the latter part of my journey. This was not without its benefits, however - the plasmatic nature of my companion protected me from the arachnids' annoying tendency to cover me in a silky excretion. I assume they were attempting to bind me and hinder my movements. Foolish creatures.

Further down into the caverns however, I began to encounter some unsettling changes in the native inhabitants; notably a significant increase in size, and in some cases, sentience. All of them fell before me, except for the much larger species which I could only describe as 'colossal'. Easily upwards of 200 dimins in length, they proved extremely resistant even to gh'hlaunadu. Thankfully (with reluctance) a ghaa'ghu named 'Maelstrom' happened to cross my path in the deepest depths of the caverns, and assisted me in dispatching one of these giants.

After much time had passed, I reached what appeared to be the very bottom of the cavern. To my astonishment (an extremely rare reaction for a shoggoth), I had stumbled across a Lloigor *choke* - one that goes by the name Nachthla. An absolutely monstrous creature beyond descrpition, I had no desire to throw my life away in any reckless maneuvers, including alerting it to my presence in these caves. I quickly fought my way back through the caves until I could reach a location in which Kalyxes' amulet would open a portal to a.. *splurt* safer location.

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